A complete solution for telehealth

A software platform designed to meet your needs in order to best promote the adoption of telemedicine.

Our platform allows for Advanced remote diagnosis

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Promotal Medconnect Software screenshot and closeup
An interoperable platform
Omnidoc LogoOrdoclic logoNetsoins logoPro santé connect logo
Local consultation logoMobile  consultation logo

A new type of consultation

Our module of innovative consultation supports various diagnostic equipment, providing an enriched consultation experience with a dual display for continuous interaction with the doctor remotely. You can record, annotate, and transmit equipment data in real time, invite other doctors to join the consultation, and benefit from our advanced file management tools.

Discover the module in demonstration

Seek advice from a specialist doctor

The module of Tele-expertise integrated into the platform allows you to easily send exams to a specialist. It effortlessly integrates the diagnostic equipment connected for expert analysis, even remotely.

Discover the module in demonstration
Expertise Creation Screenshot
The security of your data at the heart of the platform

Do you want to know more about what we do to protect your data?

Our safety center
picture showing our platform capabilities, including havign a patient folder and accessing previous exams

Computerized Patient Record

Our computerized patient record centralizes and secures exam data, rendering each faster and more accurate remote diagnosis.
Facilitate the medical cooperation by sharing folders with health professionals, while benefiting from advanced digitization of files for a full view of the patient's health

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Shared agenda

Our shared agenda allows you to effectively manage your schedule. Offer your patients the ease of making appointments online and manage appointments at home or in a medical center, while benefiting from synchronization with your existing systems.

Discover the module in demonstration
Calendar overviewAgenda View screenshot
Admin dashboard screenshot

Administrator module

Manage your team members effectively with our administrator module.
Easily add new healthcare professionals, increase safety with the SSO integration and ensure a full interoperability with your Information System.

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